Lovna's Amish Kitchen — Lovina helps prepare pies for a wedding - Delphos Herald

2022-08-22 13:29:49 By : Ms. Berril Jiang

It’s Tuesday, and it’s almost time to start supper. I am not sure yet what I’ll make besides sweet corn, cucumber salad, and sliced tomatoes. For me, that is enough. I love the fresh veggies from the garden.

Last week daughter Loretta and I canned peaches for her and Dustin. I also want to can pickled beets for her. Her mother-in-law is canning corn and green beans for them. That will all help them to have vegetables in jars for future use.

Loretta and five-and-a-half-week-old baby Denzel are here right now. She’s elevating her legs and feeding the little sweetie. He weighs eight pounds two ounces now, so he’s gaining well. It is so fun to get him smiling that sweet little smile.

Dustin is mowing hay. It’s nice weather for that right now.

Today, I went to help with preparations for niece Leanna and Alvin’s wedding. It will be at her parent’s (my brother Albert and Sarah Irene) house. Sisters Verena and Emma also went with me to help.

My job was to roll out dough for pie crusts. Two of Alvin’s aunts were also helping me. We rolled out around 70 pie crusts. Some were baked empty, and some were put in the cooler to have ready-to-bake pecan pies tomorrow.

Sisters Liz, Emma, and I will have to make gravy at the wedding.

The tables are all set, and everything looks like it’s coming into place for the wedding Thursday, August 18th.

August 18th is also daughter Susan’s friend Ervin’s daughter Kaitlyn’s sixth birthday. We will go to Ervin’s house for a birthday party for her on Friday night. Kaitlyn is such a sweetheart. She’ll come hug me when she sees me and say, “Grandma—I love you, and I missed you.”

I haven’t met Kaitlyn’s mother’s family yet, but they are planning to be at her birthday party too.

Granddaughter Abigail and Kaitlyn will start kindergarten next week. They are excited about it. Nephew Benjamin and Crystal’s son Isaiah will also be in their class. They all get along really well, so I’m sure they will have fun together.

Sunday, August 14th, was daughter Elizabeth and Tim’s seventh anniversary. Our family went there for lunch in their honor. Tim made fish and fries in the deep fryer outside. Along with that, we also had coleslaw, cheese, watermelon, peaches, chocolate pie, brownies, and ice cream. Everything was delicious!

It is now past my bedtime. Dustin and Loretta left for home. They were here for supper. Daughter Verena also surprised us and came home for supper and will stay here for the night. It’s always good to have her home.

Son Joseph went over to help son-in-law Tim with his hay. Son Benjamin left with his horse and buggy to pick Joseph up and bring him home. I always feel like I need to wait up until everyone is home and in bed.

Daughter Loretta had another stack of cards from readers. This means so much to her. Thank you for all the cards and gifts being sent to her. It is greatly appreciated! May God bless you!

I wanted to get this column written tonight, so I can start sewing in the morning. I still need to sew Lovina’s dress, cape, and apron for the wedding on Thursday.

God’s blessings to all!

3 cups finely chopped or grated zucchini

9-inch pie shell, double crust

Mix all ingredients and put in an unbaked pie shell. Place crust on top and bake for 45 minutes at 350 degrees. It tastes like apple pie.

Lovina’s Amish Kitchen is written by Lovina Eicher, Old Order Amish writer, cook, wife, and mother of eight. Her newest cookbook, Amish Family Recipes, is available wherever books are sold. Readers can write to Eicher at Lovina’s Amish Kitchen, PO Box 234, Sturgis, MI 49091 (please include a self-addressed stamped envelope for a reply); or email LovinasAmishKitchen@MennoMedia.org and your message will be passed on to her to read. She does not personally respond to emails.

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